Should you be thinking that this is the right time to give something special for your self such as acquire something excellent for your self or bring something excellent into your property, typically you will usually go for something that quite excellent and affordable. Even so it has to be a valuable merchandise for the main cause. And it ought to be greater if the item come from a reliable brand which is well-known everywhere. SVP is giving you and everybody the top answer with SVP FS1700 Black Digital Film Scanner w/ 2.4 Build-in LCD ~"World's Smallest Film Scanner"~". Our newest item which will full fill your require and it really is launching now.
There's only our buyers that will understand clearly that how excellent of this modern product apparatus. the top technology and newest condition that our specialist used to operate this clever item will make SVP FS1700 Black Digital Film Scanner w/ 2.4 Build-in LCD ~"World's Smallest Film Scanner"~" perfect for you and your property a lot more than any other similar products within the market place. And you will be understood that why there are many buyers extremely happy with this item following they became one of the owners.
Moreover, using the most reasonable value for this superb product will make SVP FS1700 Black Digital Film Scanner w/ 2.4 Build-in LCD ~"World's Smallest Film Scanner"~" be one of the most popular items on the international web advertising. And in the end of everyday you come residence you will in no way really feel like the exact same as before.
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Have you ever thought about how to keep the perfect quality of your old photographs forever? Scanning all the prints too time-consuming and processing the films in a lab too expensive? Then here comes a unique film scanner right for you: SVP FS1700is a innovative standalone film scanner that instantly converts 35mm film negatives and slides into digital images without the need for a computer or application software. Now you can preserve all their photo memories by turning the millions of photographs now stored on slides and negatives into digital images to preserve them forever. We have created a very simple-to-use device that works right out of the box and produces a five-megapixel digital image in five seconds at a push of a button. The device features a 5mpix scanning chip (i.e. 2592x1680 pixels, 3600 dpi) producing the images large enough to be printed on a A4 page! Unlike similar devices currently on the market, the SVP fs1700 does not require a computer or learning a new software program, and it takes very little space to operate, store or transport.The SVP FS 1700 is uniquely designed with a built-in color LCD screen for viewing and editing, and a memory card reader that saves the converted images directly onto SD memory cards. Within seconds, users can view their scanned photos through a digital picture frame or upload to a computer. It's designed to be used right out of the box by simply plugging it into an AC outlet.
- Converts all 35mm color / monochrome negatives and mounted slides to digital at the touch of a button
- 5 Mega Pixel Stand-alone Film Scanner, no computer or software required to operate
- Built-in 2.4-inch color LCD screen to view and edit images
- Saves images directly on SD memory cards via embedded SD/MMC card slot; Package includes a image editing software CD((Compatible with Operating system Windows XP/Vista).
- Supporting Preview, Playback, and Editing Function.
1 comment:
I've read several pages here and I just had to comment and let you know that I thought you've been doing a great job here as Digital Film Scanner. Keep it up!
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